I'm a die-hard blogster. I started off with Finding Ruby's Father and moved on to Doozeedad when google told me I was out of photo space. Well, not just because I was out of photo space, really - it was just time for a new blog.
I'm not really ready for a new blog beyond Doozeedad, but I am not able to write about my baby yet on that forum. Too many people read it. But yet. I need to write. So! Juicy Fruit is born.
The doctors diagnosed my baby, "Rainbow" (due April 28th, 2010) as having diffuse hydrops, a hole in heart, and a nil survival chance. 2 weeks later, the hydrops was gone, as was the hole. We had an amniocentesis done at that time - and the results were positive for Down's Syndrome.
I deeply regret having the amnio.
And I am praying that I will be the 1% (or less) false positive for Ds.
That's where I am now.
Lessons from the Starlings
2 weeks ago