Wednesday, March 31, 2010

definitely doula-ing

I'm moving forward with the doula bit. I'm going to try and find one. I think it's just too important to not do... a' doula'do!

It's kind of funny - I remember I was pretty sure I was going to get an epidural and go the drug route. I was just like, well, whyever not? I'm no super-pain-lady, total wimp-assed me. The thing that changed me was reading about what it does to the baby. Moxie's got enough going on with her, you know. She doesn't need more. Like residual drugs in her system, a heart monitor on her little scalp... a vacuum sucking her out.

Knowing how much of a wuss I am, knowing how paralyzed Mikey gets when I'm upset, I really think we're going to need someone else there to keep us on track, keep me from succumbing to spinal taps and lovely drugs and keep the hospital from splicing me open. And hopefully do something wickedly nice with the hospital atmosphere (there were some pretty good stories in the books about that atmospheres created by doulas...).

I really wish I could go to The Farm though and have her with Ina May Gaskin and her awesome army of midwives. Wouldn't that be the greatest?

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