Thursday, December 10, 2009

alert reading and other stories

In a quest for more information, we rented Down's Syndrome: The First 18 Months off of netflix. I was totally falling asleep by the breastfeeding section... it's just so borrrrinnnnnnnnnggggggggg. Yawn. The pictures of the kids are the only thing that I think is really going for it. We'll try and finish it for the sake of some education, but.... I'm not especially psyched.

On the other hand, "Choosing Naia" came in yesterday, courtesy of Amazon. I had a hard time putting it down. That book is GOOD. And nuts how similar it is to our own situation in many ways. It's so good that I had a hard time coming to work today because all I wanted to do was finish reading it. 3 more hours.

I have a caffeine headache. I'm quitting caffeine. "So soon?" you might ask, but um, yes. I got to thinking about how we are not doing any more testing or ultrasounds and I'm still drinking caffeine? I mean, really. Granted, I'm not slugging it back or double fisting RockStars like I used to, but I'm drinking one or two coffees/teas a day. Baaaaaaaad. Shame on me.

I'm weaning myself - one cup of tea a day. Ouch. It's rough.

1 comment:

  1. hey girlfrien. I don't think you should be too concerned. 1 cup of caffeinated java is a-okay according to most sources. Under 200 mgs is what I've heard, the closer to 100-150 mgs the better. If you go to Starbucks, they have a place on the website where they detail the caffeine for all their drinks to give you a sense. i.e. lattes not as much caffeine as a regular cuppa. :)
