Tuesday, January 26, 2010

chin chucking

So there I was, giving a workshop to a bunch of college students. I had their full, complete attention because the workshop was on how to make the most of a career fair and the career fair was the next day.

I saw something white on my bosoms from the corner of my eye but immediately dismissed it. A second or so later, I had to glance down at my notes and lo! The underwire from my bra had come almost completely out and was out to about my chin!

I looked up, I still had everyone's attention. Yaaaay! Glad to know that my 'moments' don't go unnoticed....

This one was my very last decent bra. Now I'm down to zero. Every*single*other one has holes and missing clasps and underwire that hits me in the armpit (which might be better than my chin).

I'm going bra shopping. This weekend. Better believe it.

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